Innovative Financial Services to Move Your Business Forward

Retail Finance

WE help our customers get credit facilities or stage payments.

Corporate Finance

Turning Point Consultancy offers a whole host of banking /credit products to corporates

Retail Finance

Property Finance

Housing Loans

For purchase of residential plots, flats, for construction & ready built houses-individual customers

Mortgage Loans

Against residential buildings or commercial buildings for individuals, professionals, business people and corporate clients

Commercial Building Loans

For purchase and construction of commercial buildings to individual & corporates

Auto Finance

Car Loans

For own use and commercial use

Commercial Vehicle

For passenger vehicles & good vehicles

Equipment Finance

Medical Equipments

All medical equipments

Construction Equipments

Tippers, Earth moving equipments etc.

Consumer Finance

Two wheeler Loan

Computer Loan

Consumer Durable Finance

Personal Loans

Corporate Finance

Turning Point Consultancy offers a whole host of banking /credit products [both fund based and non-fund based] to several large Indian groups /conglomerates covering asset backed lending/ bill discounting/project finance/working capital finance etc.

Working Capital Finance

We offer working capital financing products with value added features. Working Capital products include both fund-based and fee-based products. Fund-based working capital products include cash credit, overdraft, bill discounting, subscription to commercial paper, short-term loans, export financing (post-shipment as well as pre-shipment), medium term loans, preference shares, non-convertible debentures (both fixed and floating rate). Fee based products include documentary credit and bank guarantees.

Working Capital facilities are provided to the industry to finance the day-to-day production and sales. For production, funds are generally required for purchase of raw material, stores, fuel, for payment to labor, power charges etc., for storing finished goods till they are sold out and for financing the sales by way of sundry debtors / receivables.

Cash Credit / Working Capital Demand Loan

The Bank offers a combination of operative cash credit and demand loan to meet the domestic working capital requirements of corporates.

Loans Against FCNR (B) Deposits

We provide FCNR (B) loans for working capital and other productive purposes, for a period ranging from 6 months to 36 months.

Term Lending

The Bank offers short-term loans for a period ranging from 3 months to 12 months to sound corporates for augmenting their working capital requirements. The funds are provided with interest rates either linked to its PLR or at a fixed rate with varying repayment patterns, to meet temporary shortfall in working capital, arising out of delay in realisation of receivables or to hold excess inventory for execution of extra orders.

The bank offerings also include long-term working capital loans upto 5 years. All loans for tenures above one year are generally secured by first charge on fixed assets or current assets of the borrower with an acceptable asset cover.

Project Loans

We offer long term loans to both Industrial as well as Infrastructure sectors promoted by strong business houses. These comprise sectors like Telecom, Chemical, Fertilizer, Cement, Oil & Gas, Power, Ports, Roads, Railways, Housing and others. These loans are for a period of 5-7 years with a morotorium period and Interest Rates which could be fixed or floating linked to the bank's PLR.

Bills Finance - Supply / Purchase Bills

This product enables corporates to fund their operating cycle right from the stage of procurement to sale.

Export Credit – Pre-shipment & Post-shipment

We provide export finance in Domestic & Foreign currency to the corporates having global operators.

Channel Finance

The distribution channel assumes great significance in the present competitive market. Through this product, we finance the dealers against their receivables (with or without Letter of Comfort of the corporates) and help improve the cash flows for the corporates.

Asset Securitisation

We also extend loans for asset securitisation comprising lease rental receivables, credit card receivables, other receivables etc. Here the future cash-flow receivables of the borrower are discounted applying a discount rate and arrived at the Net Present Value (NPV) which is the amount lent to the borrower.

Line of Credit

This is a versatile product providing total flexibility to corporates to utilise the line (pre-determined exposure limit) of credit either as funded or non-funded for approval purposes and tenure. The terms of the line of credit are either predetermined or negotiated at an appropriate time.

Bank Guarantees - (Irrevocable Unconditional)

  • Performance Guarantees / Standby Letter of Credit
  • Deferred Payment Guarantees
  • Asset Credit Scheme
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